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Make sure you have the right people working with you

In the project we will work on creating Regional Alliances around the GIG economy and create a toolkit to show other regions how they can do the same.


A tried and trusted methodology is to form an integrated Regional Alliance, effectively a network of gig-economy stakeholders to address the issue. But how is that done in practice? This project provides a toolkit that can be used by all stakeholders.




This toolkit will facilitate and stimulate organisations and individuals that are affected by the gig economy to cooperate and join forces to increase the impact and create an integrated approach to the delivery of the GIG economy goals and deliverables. In order for this to work engaged regional stakeholders such as local and regional authorities, elected policy makers, educational institutes (universities and VET), youth organisations, coworking spaces, incubators, chambers of commerce, employers organisations, branch organisations, organisations of freelancers, self-employed and sole traders, etc. are needed to come together to address the issue of the GIG Economy.

Step-by-step guide for the elaboration of regional strategy and action plan

GiG Economy at a glimps

gig economy regional ALLIANCE SET-UP TOOL KIT

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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